Dear shy job seekers:

I don't want you to "ace" your
job interview.

I want you to OWN your job interview.

What's the difference?

And why does the difference matter?

Well, I see a lot of other coaches out there using the term
"ace your interview" in their promotional material,
and I've always hesitated to use that expression.

Why does it give me pause?

For one thing:

'Acing' is what we do to tests. 

Interviews are not tests...

...and it's not the same mindset
I encourage my coachees, to have, as they head in there. 


Interviews are conversations.


And if that makes you nervous too, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

I’m here to help you boost your conversational skills and confidence.

We can measure this using rating devices before and after our coaching sessions, such as,
'On a scale of 1-10 how confident are you feeling about xyz interview?'


You CAN be helped to feel
like you are in the driver's seat. 

You CAN be helped to hike your confidence
up as many notches on that scale of 1-10 as you'd like to. 

You CAN be helped to un-link whether you get the job with maintaining
your self-confidence.


One final, important point that "acing" an interview
forgets to take into consideration:

A job interview is as much about YOU deciding
whether the job/company is the right fit for YOU,
as it is the company deciding whether you're the right fit for it.

You may not event want to "ace" the interview and get the job,
if during the course of the interview your well-chosen questions
bring to light certain factors that lead you to understand that it
would be the wrong fit for you.

The M.A.T.C.H. framework that I teach in
my 10-Step Coaching Program,
Prepare to Shine,
empowers you to know what to ask and be on the lookout for,
throughout your job interview.

You can be helped to identify your ideal employer,
and not just when invited by the,
"Do you have any questions for us?" question,
during the job interview. 

You will be in the driver's seat with the
Bardette Personal Storytelling and Styling Toolkit under your belt.

I'm here to help you feel empowered to
OWN your job interviews,
lead them and
feel comfortable in your own skin,
even if society in general
would have you believe that you're in the hot seat.

No way!
It's the other way around. 

Are you ready to start believing this too?

Let’s go, if so!

"That's what I should have said!"

Ever found yourself saying that?

We've all had a mind-blank moment or two,
when we think of the perfect thing to have said,
after the fact.


You can make friends with those mind-blank moments and use them in your favour by preparing to answer job interview competency questions in advance, using the Bardette™ method to unbox your strengths.

Get help to pre-empt inevitable mind-blank moments so you can have them in advance of your job interview.
Then let your brain do its masterful trick of thinking of the perfect thing to say afterwards, but in advance of, the real deal.
Write your awesome label here.

Qualified to




Experienced & Trusted by




Get fresh eyes on your resume

Open a window and let some "fresh eyes" in, to up-level your resume.

Let's craft something you feel excited about presenting to recruiters and potential employers.

Prepare to Shine

It can be nerve wracking to come out from the shadows and 'put yourself out there', as one does in a job interview. 
I'll walk you through ten steps to prepare to shine, as you get your job hunt in gear.
Let's 10X10 your job hunt with Bardette's unique self-discovery methodology.

Unbox your strengths  at the
Job Interview Pep & Prep Retreat

Register your interest in the campfire strengths sessions, where you can "unbox" your strengths and practice talking about them in a relaxed setting.

Let's get you equipped and ready to PIONEER THIS THING!
lesson series

Prepare to Shine 10-Step Prep Course

Discover your strengths using the unique Bardette™ Methodology.

Fast forward to clarity on how you tick and what makes you unique.

10X10 your job hunt and job interview preparedness!
unlock these lessonS

Craft a Resonant Resume

Coming Soon
UNLOCK thESE lessons

Personal Styling for Job Interviews

Coming Soon
UNLOCK THese lessons

Job-Interview Questions to Reflect On

The secret sauce to feeling like you'll OWN your job interview.

Discover how to combine what you've learned through the Bardette Self-Discovery method, to prepare for any number of Job Interview competency (situational) questions.


Feeling lost or stuck?

Let's just breathe for a moment.

I promise, we'll get there in the end.

Here's how Bardette can help:
I just love it when someone who doesn't usually feel confident expressing themselves, feels safe and comfortable enough to open up and start sharing something they've been keeping inside. 

I've experienced this joy so often that I want to keep creating safe spaces and help other introverted creatives like me, to practice the art of lighting up, when situations in life make it appropriate and in their best interests, to do so.

It's my hope that the campfire strengths sessions will be a fun and comfortable format for introverts to figure out what they're good at. Let's practice articulating our strengths in an endearingly confident, not cocky way, and ignite your self-confidence in the process.
Beth N. Barr
aka the "Bardette"

Let me know if you're into the idea,
or whether it sparks a different one.

Register your interest for the campfire strengths sessions.

Sign up to be in my Contacts!

Or email me at with 'CONTACTS' in the email heading.

I look forward to meeting you in my inbox!

Thank you!
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